Monday, September 18, 2006

I am so irate over the comments made by that fat swine Rosie O'Donnell in "The View" a few days ago!! This horse's ass had the audacity to say that radical Christianity is just as bad as radical Islam. When was the last time a radical Christian (whatever that is) flew a plane into a building killing thousands? When was the last time a radical Christian drove a van filled with explosives into an embassy? Christians are ridiculed everyday in the major media and on TV and in magazines, but I never see them burning down the buildings of the media outlets. Radical Christians don't believe in fighting, they believe in turning the other cheek. Radical Christians don't kill innocent people of other religions in order to go to Heaven, they practice forgiveness. A radical Christian wont pick a fight...But you better believe they will end it if you threaten their family!!

I also am sick and tired of hearing the phrase "separation of Church and State". This phrase does not, and has not ever, appeared in the Constitution. It doesn't exists anywhere in the amendments. It was a phrase thrown around by Left-Wing Liberal Communist lawyers that work for the A.C.L.U.!! If anyone can show me where the exact words "separation of Church and State" appear in the Constitution, then I'll accept it. Until then, there is NO separation of Church and State. This country was founded by Christian ideals. That is why it is, and always will be, the GREATEST country on the planet!! GOD Bless AMERICA!!


At 10:51 PM, Blogger SNAKE HUNTERS said...

I have identical views on
Rosie O'Donnell. Her arrogance is
a revolting thing to behold.

I believe that you misunderstand
the First Amendment principles that
protect us from the gross abuses
that are possible when any group of mortal men use a religion to
promote a STATE CHURCH.

"Congress shall make no Law respecting the Establishment Of a
Religion, nor interfering with the
free exercise thereof"

James Madison & Tom Jefferson gave us this blessing, and it's 230 years old. Freedom of Religion, Free Speech, and the Freedom to have an Independent Thought,and a
multiplicity of Sects is among our greatest blessings.

Comment? Record first name
and your town. reb

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Jay Burbee said...

Yes, it does state that there cannot be a State Church, but it still does not mean a seperation of church and state. If a judge wishes to have the 10 commandments in his court room, or a passage from the Talmud, then it should be that way. The amendment was never put there to give power to anyone to force someone to remove these items.

At 5:20 AM, Blogger D.J. Wilson said...


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