Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Since this is my first Blog post...let's start with a little introduction...My name is Jay Burbee and I am 34 years old. I am married and I spend most, well, all of my days with my twin children Trevor and Kaylee. I live in Upper St. Clair which is a suburb in the south hills of Pittsburgh, PA. I am also a soccer coach and hold a U.S.S.F. National "B" coaching license.

I am what you would call a right-wing conservative. I believe in "One nation UNDER GOD", free enterprise, hard work to get what you need, no hand-outs, and I will tell you that the Constitution of The United States of America states that we are entitled to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness...it says nothing about a home, a job, and free health care!!

I believe that after the events of 9/11, there should be profiling done at EVERY major airport, train station, and bus station. EVERY terroist has been an Arabic male between the ages of 18 and 35...quit scanning my Grandmother when she gets on the plane!!

I think the left-wing, red diaper dooper babies should quit whining about the cost of gas...if you pinheads would allow us to drill in ANWAR and open new refineries in this country we could produce an estimated 1 million barrels of oil per day!! Not to mention all of the new jobs that would be created.

I think the designated hitter should be outlawed in Baseball. I think instant replay should be banned from Football. I think Terrell Owens should get a job at McDonald's handing out fries in the drive-thru window until he realizes that the game is way bigger than he is!!

I think anyone convicted of First Degree Murder and sentenced to death should be shot that same day. Why do my tax dollars have to keep these wastes of space alive for 6 years of appeals? I think EVERY state should have thier prisoners out cleaning the highways in the old "chain gang" style.

I think anyone who gets thier political views from actors, singers, models, or any other entertainers is an idiot...do you REALLY think these folks are in touch with reality?? If Sean Penn or Jeanenne Garafolo want to go to Iraq and be human targets, let them. They have no talent anyway.

Well, that's enough for now...anymore and your brain might explode!!


At 1:56 AM, Blogger D.J. Wilson said...

Outstanding!!! You will be linked up with my site!


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