Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I know it's been a while. Life has been pretty busy lately with the Holiday crap I have to do. My twins also had their 1st Birthday party, so that was cool. I was sitting watching the ONLY resource for fair and balanced news, FoxNews, and some things have really started to get my blood boiling...so here we go!!

Will everyone PLEASE stop talking about this worthless waste of space in California that was finally kicked off the planet permenantly. This loser killed innocent people in cold blood, but just because he wrote a few books and said he was sorry, we shouldn't make him face his maker?? Sorry, but I feel he should have been taken out in the back parking lot right after sentencing and been shot right between the eyes.

Next...leave FEMA alone!! If you really want to know who is causing all the problems in New Orleans, look at it's citizens, especially the ones living off the Government's dime. I bet you folks never heard that 400 welfare reciepients in New Orleans were offered full-time jobs at $10/hour with benefits...and only one showed up that day for work. The one that did show, by the way, quit after 2 hours. What reason do these folks have that qualifies them to recieve money from my tax dollars to support them? I pick up the Sunday paper here in Pittsburgh, turn to the classified section where they list general help jobs, and I can count 4 PAGES worth of jobs!!! Get your fat, lazy asses off of the couch and earn your keep.

Number three, CLOSE THE BORDERS!!! How can we take care of ourselves when every hour there are illegal aliens crossing into this country by the truckloads? Here's a plan, take every dime going to the lazy bastards on welfare and build a 30 foot fence with 20,000 volts running through it all along both borders. That'll keep those cockroaches from crossing the river.

Next, if you don't want to be taken hostage by terrorists in Iraq, keep your tree-hugging ass home!! I'm supposed to feel bad for the peacenics that went to Iraq, and now they may be beheaded..not a chance!!

Fianlly, It's CHRISTMAS!!! It has always been Christmas, it will always be Christmas!!! Take your Ramahanakwanzmas, and shove it right up your stinking liberal ASS!! If the thought of a Christmas Tree offends you, don't look at it, don't buy one, don't acknowledge it. You folks have NO right to make everyone else change their ways just because it may offend your fragile existence. Too friggin bad!! I'm offended by the fact that the ATM has to ask me, in my own country, whether or not I want English or Spanish, but you don't see me taking an ax to all the ATM's because I'm offended...at least not yet...we'll see.


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