Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's that time of year again...time for the New Year to begin, and time for the dreaded New Year's Resolution. This is something that I have avoided all my life. I have NEVER made a New Year's Resolution. I have held my level of self-discipline in such high regard that I never needed a N.Y.R...Until now. It has become alarmingly clear that if I don't maker a serious conscience effort to take care of myself better, I will not be around long enough to see my twin children enjoy their lives.

I try to avoid all the unhealthy stuff. I don't smoke, I rarely drink (an occational beer or two a month), I don't use drugs (not even prescriptions)...but my monster is food!! I spent 13 years of my childhood not only as a soccer player, but a wrestler as well. I can remember going 2-3 weeks on ice cubes and vitamins...and that's it. Now since I don't have to worry about weighing in anymore, I have BALLOONED!! I graduated High School at 127 lbs. My college soccer playing weight was 135. I am now almost 240 lbs., and really not liking myself.

I have resolved to lose 50lbs!! I know I'll never reach that 135 time again, but I think anything under 200 would be fine. Enough that I could start running and training again without too much difficulty.

There it is, my first N.Y.R. of my life. Time to shed this massive gut and get back to feeling healthy again. By the way, if you see my old friend Lasagna anywhere...tell her I miss her!!


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