Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's been a while, but I'm back and I've deceided to change the format of the blog for a while. I'm going to start creating my weekly "Top 10's". These will be lists that I make of certain topics. Everyone is welcome to add their own versions in the comments. The topic for the first list is "Top 10 people I'd love to punch out". I know it sounds evil and violent, but I find it quite cleansing to visualize blasting some of these distinguished folks right in the mush. Please take the time to think of anyone you would love to just wail on...

10. Keth Oblerman - Sorry Keith, but you should just stick to don't know squat about anything else.

9. The Fab Five - Here's the new name for the show...Black Eye From The Straight Guy

8. Chad Johnson - If I have to hear "Ocho Cinco" again, I'm gonna just snap.

7. Al Sharpton - Talk about a guy just begging to get his teeth blasted out. He reminds me of the kid that starts stuff, then hides behind his buddies.

6. Micheal Moore - This guy has such a whacked view on reality...I would stomp his fat face!!

5. Kim Jong Il - This little punk has his body guards kidnap young girls, bring them to his palace, and he beats and rapes them...what a guy.

4. Vicente Fox - I'd love to beat him into a pulp, then ship all of his illegal people back over the border!!

3. Rosie O'Donnell - They say a man shouldn't hit a me, she needs to be beat like the man she wishes she was!!

2. Hugo Chavez - How dare you come into my country, insult my president, then act like the Fonz. This bum needs a busted jaw big time!!

1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - I'd stomp this guy like a narc at a biker rally!! This man is pure evil. He is the next Adolf Hitler. If we don't act soon it will be 1938 again!!

There it is. The first "Top 10"!!